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Exciting developments in elder technology are being driven by Motive Force, focusing on research and user experience, collaborating across various sectors to enhance product quality. The Elderly Technology Platform under the Hong Kong Council of Social Service has played a pivotal role in advancing and applying elder technology, showing synergistic effects.
During last year's Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit (GIES), our Elderly Technology Innovation Ambassadors actively engaged in product trials and discussions, enthusiastically sharing insights on interface design. Post-summit, Motive Force continued to invite ambassadors to test improved products, gathering firsthand feedback from seniors to further enhance interfaces and functionalities, achieving true aging-in-place solutions.
Through interdisciplinary collaborations, Motive Force aims to deeply engage with users to ensure products meet their needs and deliver outstanding user experiences.
We look forward to discussing potential partnership opportunities with you. Feel free to reach out to us at marketing@motivef.com anytime.
#原動力 #社聯 #樂齡科技 #創新科技 #居家安老 #用戶體驗 #跨界伙伴合作
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居家復康運動治療系統「#α - #阿發」結合治療師的建議而設計出不同的運動和認知訓練內容,以遊戲化的方式增加長者做運動的樂趣,透過重心鍛鍊來改善長者的平衡力,增強防跌的能力。
Weather changes that are difficult to control indeed affect our mood, but with the Wellness Buddies, even if you stay at home, you can still exercise as usual, show a bright smile, and maintain a good mood.
The Let's Get Moving System #α - #alpha combines the advice of therapists to design different exercises and cognitive training content. It gamifies the process to increase the fun of exercising for the elderly, improves their balance through core training, and enhances their ability to prevent falls.
For more information, please contact us at: marketing@motivef.com.
#原動力 #居家復康運動治療系統 #α #阿發 #wellnessbuddies #alpha #樂齡科技 #創新科技 #居家安老 #用戶體驗 #天氣變化
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📑【4Rs精神健康約章之一 放鬆 Relaxation】🏃♂️
世界衛生組織建議青少年每天至少進行60分鐘中等至劇烈強度的體能活動。學校可以善用教育局提供的「MVPA60」津貼,添置我們的 #VirCube 系列和 #VR虛擬運動系統 #SilverMOVE,為學生打造更健康活潑的校園環境。
Life stress is not exclusive to adults; teenagers also face challenges in various aspects such as learning and interpersonal relationships. The Education Bureau's "4Rs Mental Health Charter" encourages schools to prioritize students' physical and mental well-being, with "relaxation" being one of its key elements.
Motive Force has been dedicated to promoting the mental and physical health of teenagers, actively collaborating with schools to encourage students to relieve stress through exercise. Exercise can deplete stress hormones, promote the secretion of happy hormones, and achieve a relaxing effect.
The World Health Organization recommends that teenagers engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. Schools can make good use of the "MVPA60" subsidy provided by the Education Bureau to acquire our #VirCube series and virtual exercise system #SilverMOVE, creating a healthier and more vibrant campus environment for students.
For more information, please contact us at: bd@motivef.com.
#原動力 #4Rs #教育局 #精神健康約章 #VR虛擬運動系統 #SilverMOVE #VirCube #Relaxation #MVPA60 #壓力 #放鬆
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🌟【支援學校推動校園體育氛圍 培養運動好習慣】🏃♂️🚸
原動力一直重視身心健康發展,研發了VR虛擬運動系統 #SilverMOVE,配合各種運動器材,讓學生享受運動樂趣之餘,培養他們的健康生活習慣!💪 學校可善用教育局提供的「MVPA60」一筆過津貼添置SilverMOVE系統,為學生打造更健康的校園環境。🌈
A survey conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic revealed a significant disruption in children's lifestyles, resulting in a 1.8-fold increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children! The impact of children's sedentary habits on their health is undeniable, leading to a potential rise in the government's healthcare costs. In response, the Education Bureau plans to adjust the importance of physical education scores in primary school assessments, enhance the promotion of physical activities, and instill healthy lifestyle habits in students.
Motive Force has consistently prioritized the advancement of both physical and mental well-being and has created the virtual exercise system #SilverMOVE. By utilizing various sports equipment, students can delight in the joy of physical exercise while developing healthy lifestyle routines! 💪 Schools can take advantage of the One-off grant for promoting a sports environment and the MVPA60 initiative provided by the Education Bureau to acquire the SilverMOVE system, fostering a healthier campus atmosphere for students. 🌈
For further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at: bd@motivef.com
#原動力 #關注孩子健康 #身心健康發展 #SilverMOVE #運動樂趣 #健康校園
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原動力很榮幸獲香港社會服務聯會 (#社聯) 邀請,首次參與第八屆「中國(廣州)國際養老健康產業博覽會」。旨在促進樂齡科技交流,及將創新科技產品帶給更多有需要幫助的人,透過科技改善生活品質。活動中我們展示了互動藝術治療系統 #MagicFLOOR ,透過遊戲化內容,提高復康人士或長者多做肢體訓練的動機。
原動力將會繼續創新,推出更多領先市場的產品與解決方案,並在健康產業領域發揮更大的影響力。我們再次感謝 #社聯 的邀請,並期待共同打造一個更健康、更美好的未來!
Motive Force is thrilled to have been invited by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (#HKCSS) to debut at the 8th "China (Guangzhou) International Elderly Health Industry Expo." Our goal is to foster the exchange of age-friendly technologies, introduce innovative products to those in need, and enhance quality of life through technology. At the event, we presented our Interactive art and rehabilitation therapy system #MagicFLOOR, designed to boost the motivation of rehabilitation patients and seniors to engage in physical exercises through gamified content.
Motive Force remains committed to innovation, introducing cutting-edge products and solutions, and making a significant impact in the health industry. We extend our gratitude to #HKCSS for the invitation and eagerly anticipate a future of improved health and vitality together!
#原動力 #社聯 #創新科技 #HKCSS #廣州老博會 #EldExpo
#互動藝術治療系統 #MagicFLOOR #健康產業 #共同成長 #樂齡科技
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Motive Force behind the "健康產業新趨勢研討會暨健康Easy卓越大獎2024" held by "HK01" has been honored with the prestigious “卓越復康樂齡科技大獎". We aim to actively fostering innovative technologies, continuously develop new aging technology products, and collaborating closely with the social welfare sector to gather user feedback for ongoing product improvement. In line with the government's policy on aging in place as outlined in the policy address, we have crafted aging in place solutions to offer seniors a more enriching, interactive, and beneficial aging experience.
As a leader in the health technology field, our company has always been committed to improving the quality of life for seniors and people with disabilities by using innovative technology to enhance rehabilitation training. This award serves as a significant milestone for us, inspiring us to continue working hard to bring more innovative solutions to society. We sincerely thank HK01 for their support!
*This award recognizes companies that actively promote medical care, health, and provide quality products and services.
#原動力 #MotiveForce #香港01
#健康Easy卓越大獎 #健康產業新趨勢研討會 #健康Easy #讀者票選 #創新科技
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為促進教育文化交流,救世軍韋理夫人紀念學校近期接待了由Dr. Saan領導的柬埔寨教育局訪問團。訪問旨在了解香港現時教育科技發展。
程志祥校長介紹了創新教育產品,如沉浸式延展實境系統 #VirCubeFLEXI、互動問答系統 #BUTTONS,以及提升圖書館的AR效果 #artable。Dr. Saan對相關技術表示濃厚興趣,並深入了解中華文化知識。
To promote educational and cultural exchange, The Salvation Army Ann Wyllie Memorial School recently hosted a visit from a delegation led by Dr. Saan from the Cambodian Ministry of Education. The purpose of the visit was to gain insights into the current developments in educational technology in Hong Kong.
Principal Ching Chi-Cheung introduced innovative educational products such as the immersive extended reality portable system #VirCubeFLEXI, interactive Q&A system #BUTTONS, and augmented reality enhancements for the library #artable. Dr. Saan showed keen interest in these technologies and delved into understanding Chinese cultural knowledge.
Motive Force thanks the principal for the enlightening presentation and looks forward to enhancing Cambodia's technological education standards through these innovative products, while also looking forward to more international exchange opportunities in the future.
#原動力 #柬埔寨教育局 #救世軍韋理夫人紀念學校 #合作交流
#MotiveForce #VirCubeFLEXI #BUTTONS #artable
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【「SELECT 創·新路」職涯培訓2 】👨🎓 🧑🎓
原動力和 #創智會 這次透過與 #豐盛社企學會 旗下服務「SELECT 創·新路」的合作,讓學生們有機會嘗試職場面試,與導師互動和獲得經驗分享,有助他們更好地應對職場中的各種情況。
#原動力 #motiveforce #創智會 #tech4rs #豐盛社企學會 #fullnesssocialenterprisessociety #select創新路 #生涯探索 #職業方向 #無限可能
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適逢四年一度的奧運盛事,原動力聯同 #創智會 於上週參與由東華三院社會服務科復康服務部舉辦的運動周,鼓勵轄下單位的員工及服務使用者多做運動,強身健體。
作為活動支持機構,我們提供一系列運動相關的科技系統,讓參與者享受運動帶來的樂趣,包括沉浸式擴增實境系統 #VirCubeFLEXI、居家復康運動治療系統 #α - #阿發 和虛擬運動系統 #SilverMOVE。即使身體功能有所障礙,大家亦能透過這些系統參與運動,感受其中的快樂。看到大家的歡笑,就是對我們最好的回報。
原動力很期待與 #東華三院 再次合作,共同幫助有需要的人。我們希望大家能養成持續運動的習慣,與健康同行。
In light of the quadrennial Olympic Games, Motive Force partnered with #tech4rs last week to participate in the sports week organized by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Community Services Division, encouraging employees and service users to engage in more physical activities for better health.
As a supporting organization for the event, we provide a range of sports-related technological systems to allow participants to enjoy the fun of exercise, including immersive extended reality portable system #VirCubeFLEXI, the Let's Get Moving System #α - #alpha, and the virtual exercise system, #SilverMOVE. These systems empower everyone, regardless of physical constraints, to engage in physical activities and savor the happiness they bring. Witnessing the smiles on everyone's faces is truly gratifying for us.
Motive Force looks forward to collaborating with #tungwahgroup again to help those in need. We hope everyone can develop a habit of regular exercise and journey towards better health together.
#原動力 #motiveforce #創智會 #tech4rs #東華三院 #社會服務科復康服務部 #巴黎奧運
#VirCubeFLEXI #SilverMOVE #居家動樂 #α #阿發 #alpha #身心健康
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🎊【恭賀智遊天地 E Club Club 開張大吉 】🎉
許多家長期待見證子女快樂成長,而擁有健康的體魄當然至關重要。最近,原動力獲邀參與 #智遊天地 E Club Club 的開幕典禮。活動由現任商務及經濟發展局副局長陳百里博士致辭,彰顯政府對於商界的支持和重視,並表達對於兒童身心健康、社區共融的關注。原動力一直重視身心靈健康發展,在活動中我們也展示了居家動樂系統「#α - #阿發」,鼓勵一眾大人及小朋友一同動起來,共同打造愉快運動的氛圍。
Many parents look forward to witnessing their children grow up happily, and having a healthy physique is crucial. Recently, Motive Force was invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the #智遊天地 E Club Club. The event was addressed by Dr. CHAN Pak Li, Bernard, JP, the current Under Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, highlighting the government's support and emphasis on the business sector and expressing concern for children's physical and mental health as well as community integration.
Motive Force has always valued the development of physical, mental, and spiritual health. During the event, we also showcased the the Let's Get Moving System #α - #alpha, encouraging both adults and children to move together to create a pleasant atmosphere for exercise.
Motive Force looks forward to bringing this positive message and energy to more families, adding more joy and inspiration to children's growth journey. We will continue to work hard to promote parent-child interaction and community integration, allowing every child to grow up strong, confident, and full of love.
#motiveforce #E3 Club Playland #智遊天地 #居家動樂 #α #阿發 #alpha #身心健康
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【「SELECT 創·新路」職涯培訓篇 】🧑🏻🎓
原動力與 #創智會 一直致力於為學生提供豐富的生涯探索體驗,而這次與 #豐盛社企學會 旗下服務「SELECT 創·新路」的合作可說是一次難得的機會,讓學生們能接觸我們的科技產品及參與軟件設計課程,讓他們身臨其境地體驗科技公司的職場氛圍,並學習不同專業部門的知識和思維。
#原動力 #motiveforce #創智會 #tech4rs #豐盛社企學會 #fullnesssocialenterprisessociety
#select創新路 #生涯探索 #職業方向
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【全港首創「協興流動BIM CAVE」】🏗️
原動力非常榮幸為協興建築和中電以沉浸式VR虛擬實境系統提供VR應用和技術支援。協興建築首創了 “協興流動 BIM CAVE”,透過 XR(擴增實境)技術延展技術,配合組裝合成(MiC)呈現建築時的內部結構。使用者可以實時感受自己置身於建築空間之中,這進一步降低了工程誤差,極大地提高了工程效率和質量。
透過 VirCube 系統,工程師、建築師或其他相關人員可以在虛擬環境中進行詳細地探索建築結構及空間,以確保每個細節都符合要求,及早發展潛在問題並提出解決方案,從而節省了時間和成本。
Motive Force is pleased to offer VR applications and technical assistance to Hip Hing Construction and CLP Power HK Ltd using immersive VR systems. Hip Hing Construction has introduced the groundbreaking "Hip Hing MiC BIM CAVE," leveraging XR technology alongside Modular Integrated Construction (MiC) to present the internal structure during building processes. This allows users to immerse themselves in the construction space in real-time, resulting in reduced errors and enhanced engineering efficiency and quality.
With the VirCube system, engineers, architects, and relevant professionals can meticulously explore building structures and spaces in a virtual setting to ensure compliance with specifications, detect potential issues early on, and propose solutions—ultimately saving time and resources.
At Motive Force, our dedication lies in propelling digital transformation and innovation across diverse sectors. We eagerly anticipate further partnerships with industries and domains, delivering state-of-the-art virtual reality solutions to optimize efficiency and precision in their projects.
#原動力 #HipHing #BIMCave #MiC #Construction #Innovation #3D #VR #建築創新 #組裝合成 #協興流動BIMCAVE #NWSGroup #擴增實境 #VirCube
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活動中邀請了各來賓進行啟動儀式,並參觀各個攤位遊戲及活動體驗。原動力在活動中以沉浸式延展實境便攜系統 #VirCubeFLEXI 展示由學生們以360 Designer軟件自家製作的內容。以及透過我們的互動按鈕問答系統 #BUTTONS演示價值觀教育,讓一眾參與者對為智障兒童提供適當的教育,使其充分發揮潛能,有更深入了解。
Hong Chi Morninghill School, Tuen Mun has always embraced the spirit of supporting and assisting individuals with intellectual disabilities, providing comprehensive education for children in this community. Motive Force is honored to have been invited to participate in the school's new wing opening ceremony and carnival.
Through engaging games, our aim was to promote public awareness and acceptance of individuals with intellectual disabilities, while also highlighting their rights and needs in society. During the event, guests were invited to join the opening ceremony and explore various game booths and activities. Motive Force showcased the immersive and portable virtual reality system, #VirCubeFLEXI, featuring content created by the students themselves using the 360 Designer software. We also demonstrated our interactive button-based Q&A system, #BUTTONS, to promote values education and deepen understanding of appropriate education for children with intellectual disabilities, empowering them to unlock their full potential.
Motive Force eagerly anticipates further collaboration opportunities with Hong Chi Association, working together to facilitate the complete integration of individuals with intellectual disabilities into family and community life, and contributing to the creation of an inclusive society.
#MotiveForce #匡智會 #屯門晨崗 #共融社會 #匡扶智障 #智障人士 #以孩子為先 #特殊需要 #殘疾 #VirCubeFLEXI #BUTTONS #360Designer
#hongchiassociation #hongchi #HCA #intellectual #disabilities #specialneeds
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Motive Force is proud to participate as a mentor in the "2024 Tomorrow's Leaders Job-shadowing Programme" hosted by the Kowloon City & Yau Tsim Mong District Social Welfare Office, in partnership with 12 NGOs and youth.
This initiative is designed to offer career guidance and support in career planning for ambitious young individuals. In our role as mentors, we engage with participants to explore their dreams and ambitions, witnessing their passion and curiosity for the future. We motivate them to pursue their aspirations courageously, emphasizing the importance of a realistic outlook and the setting of clear career development goals.
We extend our gratitude to the Kowloon City & Yau Tsim Mong District Social Welfare Office for providing this invaluable opportunity for the youth, contributing to the future progress of Hong Kong.
#Motive Force #九龍城和油尖旺區社會福利署 #明日領袖 #職業發展 #未來發展 #香港青年協會 #CSR #ESG
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🎬 ✨生命探索之旅 人生彩蛋社區生死教育展覽🌈 🌟
原動力很高興獲邀參與由東華三院「圓滿人生服務」舉辦的 #人生彩蛋社區生死教育展覽,以輕鬆幽默手法啟發老、中、青三代反思生命的價值和意義。
作為活動協作團體之一,原動力很榮幸從社會福利署助理署長(安老服務)甄麗明女士手中獲得感謝狀,並隨一眾嘉賓參觀展覽及工作坊。席間我們以沉浸式延展實境便攜系統 #VirCubeFLEXI 展示人生不同階段的人生選擇,讓大家尋找當下屬於自己的「人生彩蛋」。而食環署亦透過我們的互動按鈕問答系統 #BUTTONS 介紹綠色殯葬知識,讓長者和護老者及早討論晚年照顧安排。
Life is often compared to a movie, filled with challenges and opportunities. However, the key to living a fulfilling and remarkable life lies in one's mindset.
We are delighted to be invited to participate in the community life and death education exhibition organized by Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Endless Care Services. Through lighthearted and humorous approaches, we aim to inspire people of all generations to reflect upon the value and meaning of life.
As one of the collaborating organizations for this event, we were honored to receive a certificate of appreciation from Ms Jenny YAN Lai Ming. Assistant Director (Elderly) of the Social Welfare Department. Alongside other guests, we had the opportunity to explore the exhibition and engage in workshops. During the event, we showcased life choices at different stages through our immersive extended reality portable system #VirCubeFLEXI, allowing everyone to discover their own "life surprises”. Additionally, the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department also used our interactive Q&A system #BUTTONS, to provide insights into green burial practices, encouraging seniors and caregivers to proactively discuss elderly care arrangements.
We look forward to continuing our collaboration with Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Endless Care Services to promote life and death education in the community. Together, let us enable more individuals to embrace the beauty of life, approach challenges with positivity, cherish the present, and live a remarkable and fulfilling existence!
#Motive Force #東華三院 #圓滿人生服務 #人生彩蛋 #生死教育
#VirCubeFLEXI #BUTTONS #食物環境衞生署
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【MagicFLOOR: 融合科技與藝術的沉浸式學習體驗】
MagicFLOOR 結合 VR 和互動投影等尖端技術,為學童創造身歷其境的學習體驗。它能將 3D 虛擬場景投射到地板、桌面和牆壁上,並支援多人互動,讓學習更加生動有趣。
藝術創意 是 MagicFLOOR 的一大亮點。用家可變身成藝術家,將他們的創意作品共創到虛擬場景之中。孩子們將自創的斑馬動物平面圖畫透過 MagicFLOOR 掃描成為數碼動態立體動物,與虛擬場景動物進行互動,治癒心靈,能有效吸引孩子的注意力,提高他們的學習興趣和參與度。
MagicFLOOR 可根據學生的學習表現提供個性化的輔助,有助於 SEN 學童克服學習障礙,提升注意力、社交互動和自信心。我們相信,將創新科技與創意藝術完美結合,定能為有特殊需要的學生帶來嶄新的學習體驗,創造更美好的未來。
#特殊教育需要學童 #Sen #社會企業 #社企 #沉浸式 #共融服務 #斑馬 #MagicFloor #創科教育 #特殊教育 #藝術 #沉浸式學習
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